Campus 053
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Campus 053
The former faculty building for Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics is a project by Peter Defesche from 1965. The faculty has completed a transformation into student housing. This transformation is not only due to a completely different program but also because the architecture from that period requires significant technical improvement. The new program benefits from the existing interior's generous height and the updated glass facades, transforming a former faculty building into student housing with 48 units and ground floor workspace.

Oscar Sanders’ architectural practice has its foundation in social- and urban entrepreneurship. His graduation project serving as the poster child – ‘Het Zilveren Kind’ was a study designed to create stimulating collective housing for people with multiple disabilities in an urban context.

Designing space knows multiple forms within his practice. As an entrepreneur he embarked on a socially fueled journey that flowed into two cultural venues called Garage Noord and kanaal40. One focussed on offering a progressive cultural program and the other showing a dedication to micropopculture. Both serving as explorative safe havens for a diverse and inclusive public, both objecting to cultural institutions being pushed outside of cities borders.

This vision comes to life maintaining a practical approach with extensive experience in working with model- and material studies, sketching, collages and maquettes. His design process is intuitive and physical, and an overview of his relevant work is available to review here.



Minahassastraat 1
1094 RS Amsterdam

Architect: 1.211201.003
Trade: 87230925