Het Zilveren Kind
collective housing 2_archief
collective housing 3_schets aanzicht
collective housing 4_binnen-buiten
collective housing 5_tussenruimte
collective housing 6_maquette
Het Zilveren Kind
People with multiple disabilities are vulnerable in our society. They experience a rich diversity of stimuli and most rely on intensive care on a daily basis. In current society, their living space is often placed in a rural context. This project challenges that by creating an urban living space that is easier accessible to caregivers; friends and family with a job and live of their own. Het Zilveren Kind presents three design themes: ‘city as home, home as city’, ‘inside-outside’, and ‘intermediate space’ as a graduation project at the Academy of Architecture Amsterdam.

Oscar Sanders’ architectural practice has its foundation in social- and urban entrepreneurship. His graduation project serving as the poster child – ‘Het Zilveren Kind’ was a study designed to create stimulating collective housing for people with multiple disabilities in an urban context.

Designing space knows multiple forms within his practice. As an entrepreneur he embarked on a socially fueled journey that flowed into two cultural venues called Garage Noord and kanaal40. One focussed on offering a progressive cultural program and the other showing a dedication to micropopculture. Both serving as explorative safe havens for a diverse and inclusive public, both objecting to cultural institutions being pushed outside of cities borders.

This vision comes to life maintaining a practical approach with extensive experience in working with model- and material studies, sketching, collages and maquettes. His design process is intuitive and physical, and an overview of his relevant work is available to review here.



Minahassastraat 1
1094 RS Amsterdam

Architect: 1.211201.003
Trade: 87230925